Sunday, January 20, 2013

Ophelia - poem

"Ophelia" by Sir John Everett Millais 1851

Ophelia whispers to me
the songs of sorrow
the sound of madness
the breaking of a woman’s heart

In winter clover I find her
leaning the direction of the wind
eyes soft and smiling
her wild blonde hair flowing in circles

With an angelic voice so pure and white
she sighs, “I wish to forget last night.”
“These men are all the same.”
“These men are all to blame.”

Embracing her fragile frame
I wish to give her all of my strength
to clear her mind of the mud
and find her own voice once more.

Ophelia please find the joy
that I know you have buried deep
after a lifetime of servitude,
please have courage

Ophelia leads me to the river
singing with the birds
gracefully dancing to her own tune
laughing all the while

With an angelic voice so pure and white
she screams, “I regret nothing of last night!”
“These men are all to blame!”
“Now every man will remember my name!”

Catching her reflection from the water
a single tear runs down her cheek.
“Dear one, this is my courage.
This is the voice that cannot speak”

As she floats along the current
Ophelia echoes to me
“Take the last breath from me,
for I - am free.”

Copyright Mika Buell-Joseph 2013

"Ophelia" by Elle Moss

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