I'm Mika and this is Shutter Blossoms.
Welcome to my little space on the web. I'm what they call a photographer, who is more obsessed with macro then anyone should be. I spend 40 hours a week working outside the home and the rest of my time making crafts, writing, reading and of course photographing. I started this blog in 2011 as a 365 photo-a-day project. At the end of my year I knew I wanted to keep blogging but as my life headed in a new direction, so should the blog. With help of my friends/coworkers I changed the name and style.
Random facts:
Name: Mika
Nickname: Spike - my eldest brother gave me the name many years ago.
Superhero alias: Answerella. She can BS her way through any question!
Age: 31
Height: 5"8' ish?
Hair color: oy vey
Eye color: Brown
Theme song:
Style icon: Hippie
Ultimate joy: Coming home to a waging tail
Brag-worthy accolade: Teaching a Beginners Photography class in town last summer
Arch-nemesis: Food. We have a love/hate relationship.
Arch-angel(s): My parents
Ultimate quote: "Ignorance is bliss, but stupid people suck"
Signature catchphrase:
Power-chakra: Throat Chakra (creativity)
Totem animal: Rabbit Totem